February 6, 2025


When is check-in?

Check-in opens at 4:30pm on Saturday, June 29th, program begins with dinner at 6pm.


Can I arrive early?

Seabeck cannot allow our group on campus until after 4pm, to prepare following the previous group. If you arrive early, please wait at the side of the road until Seabeck opens. There is a coffee shop, pizzeria, and general store across the street from camp. There is also Scenic Beach State Park about 2 miles down the road, with beach access, a playground, and hiking options. 


How late can I check-in?

Check-In will close at 7 PM on Saturday evening. If you need a late check-in, please contact our secretary at: washingtonwest@nbs.usbnc.org 


Can I stay off-campus and commute to school each day?

Yes, Participants may stay off campus and commute to campus each day. Commuters are still considered full-time participants and are accounted for as such.


How can I get financial assistance to attend? 

Please see details on the Costs page. There are reduced rate lodging options, sponsorships from LSAs and scholarships from the School available.


Pay by check, where to send?

Western Washington Bahá’í School Committee | ATTN: Registrar | P.O. Box 128, Kirkland, WA 98083


Can I get a refund if I have to cancel?

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Full refund if canceled before May 1st

50% refund if canceled by June 1st 

No refund after June 1st


What do I need to bring?

Please see details on the What to Bring page.


Can children attend by themselves?

Children (under 18 years of age) must be accompanied by an adult, either a parent or sponsor.


Children with special needs

If a child receives any special services at his/her school such as one-on-one support, pull out support, alternative learning environments, etc. – it would be the responsibility of the parent or sponsor to provide similar support at the summer school.


Special Dietary Needs

The kitchen is able to accommodate most dietary needs, please identify these for each attendee during registration.


Can I attend part-time? 

The summer school is unable to accommodate part-time registrations.