February 6, 2025

2025 Western Washington Baháʼí Summer School

The 2025 Western Washington Baha’i Summer School has a new name!  

Please join us for Ocean of Light Bahai School in Western WA! 
This year we are excited to announce that we are having two sessions at the beautiful Seabeck Conference Center in Seabeck, WA! 

The sessions will be identical in programming so that guests can choose the session that works best for their schedule.

Session 1 – Saturday June 28, 2025 – Wednesday July 2, 2025

Session 2 – Wednesday July 2, 2025 –  Sunday July 6, 2025


Registration will open in late winter. The exact date will be shared soon! Please do check back. 



“The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race.” Baháʼu’lláh


“How good it is if the friends be as close as sheaves of light, if they stand together side by side in a firm unbroken line. For now have the rays of reality from the Sun of the world of existence, united in adoration all the worshippers of this light; and these rays have, through infinite grace, gathered all peoples together within this wide-spreading shelter; therefore must all souls become as one soul, and all hearts as one heart.” — Abdu’l-Baha


“Freedom from racial prejudice, in any of its forms, should, at such a time as this when an increasingly large section of the human race is falling a victim to its devastating ferocity, be adopted as the watchword of the entire body of the American believers, in whichever state they reside, in whatever circles they move, whatever their age, traditions, tastes, and habits. It should be consistently demonstrated in every phase of their activity and life, whether in the Bahá’í community or outside it, in public or in private, formally as well as informally, individually as well as in their official capacity as organized groups, committees and Assemblies. It should be deliberately cultivated through the various and everyday opportunities, no matter how insignificant, that present themselves, whether in their homes, their business offices, their schools and colleges, their social parties and recreation grounds, their Bahá’í meetings, conferences, conventions, summer schools and Assemblies.”

Shoghi Effendi  – Advent of Divine Justice



 Vision Statement

Western Washington Baha’i Summer School is a space where diverse friends, families, and neighbors of all backgrounds come together to immerse ourselves for a few days in a spiritually nurturing culture. Together, in this uplifting and transformative environment, we learn to increase our capacity, build community, engage in social discourse, and elevate mankind through the study of Sacred Writings, conversation, music, arts, fun, and fellowship.
